Hello friends,
Thank you for coming here, this is my second attempt at blogging thanks to motivation from a few friends.
I intend to write aspects that have a mix of exploring pleasures to how women in today's world have been soaring to great heights.
As I setup my blog on a new platform, I ask for your patience and any guidance that you think would help me immensely.
Hello AndhraDiva,
Glad to see that you have started this blog. Congratulations and best wishes for the project.
I see immense scope for this venture as it is a topic which will be of immense interest to all, including men and women.
Of interest to women because they have always been victims of ignorant male prejudices, and also to men because they spend half their waking hours trying to figure out what women want.
I find it amazing that Andhra Diva has boldly started a blog where she can give a ‘Women’s Perspective’ about life.
I would also like to point out that the feministic point of view we are accustomed to seeing as dished out by our media is…